Category: חדש (Kahdash)

Read Cycle of the Sun to find out what a חדש (Kahdash) is. It has nothing to do with the moon.

Happy New Year! 1st Kahdash of the Year – Hah’AbeyB

Happy New Year! 1st Kahdash of the Year – Hah’AbeyB

Kahdash means month in Yahudeyth (Judean)

The first month is called “Hah’Abeyb” and it starts March 21st (March 20th at sundown)

This is the 1st day of Spring & the New year. Start counting 364 days & 52 Shabath Cycles from today.

The Next Shabath is March 27th

(March 26 at sundown or Wednesday at sundown

to Thursday at sundown)

Wednesday sundown to Thursday sundown is the Shabath for 52 Shabath Cycles, until the end of the year. Then the year is complete. We will have an extra day again and that will cause the Shabath for the next year to move.

Enjoy the 1st Kahdash – Hah’Abeyb by starting your seedlings and fixing your garden for the crops of the year.

Visit this page to learn how to garden.

March 20th at sundown is the New Year & the 1st Day of Spring

happy spring happy new year

March 20th at sundown is the New Year & the 1st Day of Spring

March 20th at sundown,

Wednesday at sundown is the New Year

& the 1st Day of Spring!

We are entering into a New Month (Kahdash), the 1st Month

March 21st is the 1st Day of Spring and the New Year (beginning March 20th at sundown)

Yahuah’s Calendar is not the World’s

You know the dead of winter is not a new year, that was a lie. The year resets when everything renew’s itself. The official day is after the Equinox.

Find out about the Equinox here 

During the Equinox the North countries experience a day that is equal to the night. It isn’t a day when the sun is down or up. It is a midday point. That day is March 20th. After the Equinoix the days grow longer, North of the Equator.

Happy New Year!

Start your Garden and counting 52 Shabath Cycles which will complete a year!

Don’t forget to get the Calendar

The 7th Kahdash & the Day of Trumpets – Tomorrow 9/24

7th month cycle of the sun calendar 2024-2025 by itharey Enoch calendar calculations

The 7th Kahdash & the Day of Trumpets – Tomorrow 9/23 at sundown / 9/24/24

The 7th Month is also the 7th Month. During the 7th Kahdash there are many Memorial Days in which Yahuah wants us to Rest & Remember.

The 7th Kahdash or 7th Month in Yahuah’s calendar starts off with a Shabath, and ends with Shabath.

The 7th month has 4 weeks or 4 Shabath Cycles with 2 Shabaths back to back

Did you know?

For the next 4 Shabath cycles there are back to back Shabaths? That’s right!

September 24 & 25 are Shabath Days – Day of Trumpets is a Shabath, then the regular 7th Day Shabath

Then, October 2, & 3 are Shbath Days – which is 7 days later, another 7th Day Shabath, then the Day of Atonement

Then, October 8 & 9 are Shabath Days – That’s the 1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacle, which is a Shabath and the next day is the 7th Day Shabath,

Then, October 15, 16 are Shabath Days, that’s the last day of the Feast of Tabernacle, then the 7th Shabath which is the next day.

If you are calculating this Month incorrectly, your Shabath will not be in this fashion. Let this be a sign for you.

Read my book “Cycle of the Sun” to see how I was able to find the true Shabath Day using the calculations that Yahuah left us. The Bible!

seventh 7th month kahdash enoch calendar cycle of the sun by itharey

  1. The Day of Trumpets is on September 24, 2024 (or September 23, 2024 at even)

The 1st Day of the 7th Month is also the Day of Trumpets. It is a very special day because it announces the 7th Kahdash, which means month in Manakahthey. The 7th Month is one of the most important Kahdash because it has several Memorial Days. September 23, at sundown (even) is the 1st day of the 7th Kahdash which is the day of Memorial of Blowing of Trumpets

2. Then September 25th (or September 24th at even) the very next day is the 7th Day Shabath.

3. Then follow the calendar seen above, Tuesday at sundown, is the 7th Day Shabath, then it’s the Day of Atonement.

4. Then it’s the 1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacle on Monday at even, then Tuesday at even its the 7th Day Shabath

5. Then its the last day of teh Feast of Tabernacles, then its the 7th Day Shabath.

Yahuah willing I will upload a video about this.


The 1st Day of Summer, Begins the 4th Month! – Reporting for 2024

The 1st Day of Summer, Begins the 4th Month! - Reporting for 2024

Today, June 21, 2024 is the 1st day of summer.

On the 1st day of summer, the sun begins to make its journey toward the center of the earth. This will cause daylight to begin to decrease. This begins on the 1st day of the 4th month or KahDaSh, according to the book of Enoch.

See my book “Cycle of the Sun” to get the breakdowns and new information concerning our modern calendar and the Shabath and feast days. The calculations for the year has to do with 52 Shabath Cycles.

It’s all about math and growing food.

  • 52 Cycles in a year
  • 5 + 2 = 7
  • 52  x  7 = 364 days in a year, before the miracles in the days of Enoch
  • The Shabath is easily found in a calendar with 364 days.
  • plus extra 1.25 miracle days = 365.25 average days in our current year
  • The Shabath day is hard to find without knowledge of the season.

52 Shabath cycles in a year, makes the year complete. However, there are extra days in the year because of the miracles that the bible reports. This has caused Enoch’s calculations to be slightly off, but the year still has 52 perfect Shabath Cycles. We need to take into consideration the 4 key seasons of the year and watch for the signs of the year. Read my book for very relevant information.

Happy Summer. I hope everyone is growing some food and practicing at the very least to have a green thumb!


Last Day of Spring in the 3rd Month (Kahdash HaH’ShaleyShey) – 2024

Last Day of the 3rd Month (Kahdash HaH’ShaleyShey)


  • The sign of the last day of spring is the longest daylight hour for the year. This happened on June 20, 2024 for the Northern Hemisphere.
  • Then, the following day, the daylight hours will decrease.
  • June 21st is the 1st day of Summer! Trees are bearing fruit and many crops will be harvested this season.


Categories: חדש (Kahdash)

Reminder – The Day of Trumpets! 9/24


These are the Thurah laws in the Valid Testament in your Bibles about the Feast of Memorial of Blowing of Trumpets.  יהוה (Yahuah) commanded Moses to bring his people this law.


[23] And יהוה (Yahuah) spake unto Moses, saying,
[24] Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh KahDaSh, in the first day of the KahDaSh, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation.

[25] Ye shall do no servile work therein: but ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto יהוה (Yahuah).

23 וידבר יהוה אל־משה לאמר׃

24 דבר אל־בני ישראל לאמר בחדש השביעי באחד לחדש יהיה לכם שבתון זכרון תרועה מקרא־קדש׃

25 כל־מלאכת עבדה לא תעשו והקרבתם אשה ליהוה׃ ס


According to verse 24, the memorial of blowing of trumpets is on the 1st day of the 7th KahDaSh. 

9/23 @ sundown to 9/24 @ sundown is the 7th Kahdash (Month)

& Memorial of Blowing Trumpets (Shouting)


The Day that is Equal to the Night

Today is the day that is equal to the night

It is called “the Equiniox” but in the book of Enoch, it was called “the Day that is Equal to the Night’

All around the earth today is that day. They say today is the 1st day of Fall, but Enoch said the day that begins to be shorter than the night is the next month. This is fall. Nothing is fall on the day that is equal so I agree with Enoch. If it is equal, where is the change? Makes sense to me that tomorrow marks the 7th month and the blowing of Trumpets!

The 7th Kahdash is 5 Shabath Cycles Away! 3 Feast Days Approaching~~

The 7th Kahdash is 5 Shabath Cycles Away! 3 Feast Days Approaching~~

Are you getting ready for the Celebrations & Shabath Observances?

Fall Begins the 7th Kahdash September 24 @ sundown 

Blowing of Trumpets – 1st Day of the 7th Kahdash

September 23 @sundown to September 24@sundown

Day of Atonement – 9th Day @ Sundown to 10th Day @ sundown (24 hour Fast & Prayers)

October 2 @sundown to October 3 @sundown

Feast of Tabernacles – 15th Day @ sundown, lasting 8 days until the 23rd Day @ sundown

October 8th @ sundown to October 16

Get your garments ready. See for clothes



Get the book “Cycle of the Sun” to learn about the Feast Days &

How to Calculate the Shabath and what it means

Last Day of the 3rd Month (Kahdash HaH’ShaleyShey)

Last Day of the 3rd Month (Kahdash HaH’ShaleyShey)


  • The sign of the last day of the year is that today will be the longest daylight hour of the year.
  • Then tomorrow the daylight hours will decrease.
  • Tomorrow is the 1st day of Summer! Trees are bearing fruit and crops will be harvested this month.


Categories: חדש (Kahdash)

Complete 12 Kahdash’eym Named Calendar for 2023 -2024 with Mu’ID Dates

New Calendar for your wall with Mu’ID Days in it, written in Manakahthey with some Transliteration. This is not a Gregorian Calendar, but it does have Gregorian dates (written small in the corner of each day).

The first month is The KahDaSh aH’ABeyB (month of Abib). I used Manakahthey words for days and months because it is not an English or Foreign Calendar.

You can purchase this calendar here …. 

Summary & Sample of 2023 – 2024 Mu’ID Day, 12 KahDaSh Calendar

Printed with a wire ring in full color


KAHDASH THE ABEYB  האביב חדש (KahDaSh aH’AbeyB) &
THE HEAD MONTH חדש הראשון (KahDaSh aH’RaASh’uN) Exodus 13:4, Numbers 9:1
חדש (KAHDASH) חדש השני (KahDaSh ah’ShaNey) Genesis 8:14
חדש (KAHDASH) חדש השלישי (KahDaSh aH’ShaLeyShey) Exodus 19:1
חדש (KAHDASH) חדש הרביעי (KahDaSh aH’RaBey’Iey) Jeremiah 52:6
חדש (KAHDASH) חדש החמישי (KahDaSh aH’KahMeyShey) Jeremiah 28:1
חדש (KAHDASH) חדש הששי (KahDaSh aH’ShaShey) Haggai 1:1
חדש (KAHDASH) השביעי חדש (KahDaSh aH’ShaBey’Iey) Leviticus 23:27
חדש (KAHDASH) חדש השמיני (KahDaSh aH’ShaMeyNey) Zechariah 1:1
חדש (KAHDASH) חדש התשעי (KahDaSh aH’ThaSh’Iey) Jeremiah 36:9
חדש (KAHDASH) חדש העשירי (KahDaSh aH’ISheyRey) Genesis 8:5
KAHDASH THE SHABAT השבט חדש (KahDaSh aH’ ShaBaT) Zechariah 1:7

 עשתי עשר חדש (IShaThey IShaR KahDaSh) Deut. 1:3
חדש (KAHDASH) חדש שתים עשרה (ShaTh’eym IShaRaH KahDaSh) Ezekiel 32:1

No other names were given for the 12 KahDaSheym in a year in Manakahthey. Other names are foreigner’s months.