Solar Delusions & Illusions for your Entertainment compliments of NASA

Solar Delusions & Illusions for your Entertainment compliments of NASA
They really want you to believe the earth is a globe or ball circling the sun. If you believe this too, I will also be disproving that hocus pocus of a globe earth theory, right here today.
The Spring Equinox is approaching and the lies begin. Hiding certain truths and earth phenomenon’s is very important during these days. The people who want you to disbelieve the bible’s claim and admission that the earth is a flat circle (see here) have created fallacies in there own declaration to hide this truth. Now in order for a false statement to be believable, there must be some truth in it. Thereby taken you away with their quick hand and mirrors.
Let’s jump right in this topic… Mind you this information is not factual, its what they put out to back up the theory that the earth is globe. When information is false, you can find holes in it. This information I am about to present is a huge pit.
They say the earth is a Globe. With that information, they use the journey of the sun around the earth to calculate that the sun’s journey is in-fact the earth’s journey around the earth and not the sun. If this were true, then explain to me how it would be possible, according to their data that the sun would be up for about 6 days in the North Pole and 6 days in the South Pole, twice a year at the same time?
I will repeat.
They say, for example on 2025, that the Sun does not set at the South Pole until March 23, 2025
The sun does not set until March 23, 2025, According to the globe theory
The sun rises March 18,2025 and stays up for months until September
So this information means the sun is up for about 6 days during March in the North & the South Pole continually with no setting! This is not possible on a flat earth or a globe.
This only proves that their calculations are totally false! They lie and this is the big whole.
Read my book for Cycle of the Sun to learn more. I have so much to say about this, but I wrote it all in this book because I don’t have time to make these videos though they are important. There are certain information that you must learn in order to get a full grasp on this top because the lies that float around out there are plenty.
What is true?
The sun is indeed up for many months in the North. You can visit any Northern country to experience months when the sun does not set. I want to experience this. They don’t talk about it much because this same phenomenon does not occur in the South Pole because we do not live on a Globe, we live on a flat earth.
A trip to the South Pole is dam near impossible. They don’t want you to go to the ICE WALLS for many reasons. You will see the firmament and the sun will not be continual like it is in the North Pole.
The SOUTH never experiences a continues daylight. They lie. In the South it is completely dark when the sun moves toward the North during the Spring Equinoix and then its completely dark for months until the sun leaves the North. At that time the South will experience the sun rising and setting, but it will not experience what the North Pole experiences because we are not on a Globe.
Use their own information and declaration to disprove them.
If you have any questions or comments. Reach me on