Category: Major Sky Events

March 20th at sundown is the New Year & the 1st Day of Spring

happy spring happy new year

March 20th at sundown is the New Year & the 1st Day of Spring

March 20th at sundown,

Wednesday at sundown is the New Year

& the 1st Day of Spring!

We are entering into a New Month (Kahdash), the 1st Month

March 21st is the 1st Day of Spring and the New Year (beginning March 20th at sundown)

Yahuah’s Calendar is not the World’s

You know the dead of winter is not a new year, that was a lie. The year resets when everything renew’s itself. The official day is after the Equinox.

Find out about the Equinox here 

During the Equinox the North countries experience a day that is equal to the night. It isn’t a day when the sun is down or up. It is a midday point. That day is March 20th. After the Equinoix the days grow longer, North of the Equator.

Happy New Year!

Start your Garden and counting 52 Shabath Cycles which will complete a year!

Don’t forget to get the Calendar

Enoch says, a Year has 364 Days and it’s still true today!

364 days in a year

Enoch says, a Year has 364 days, this is still true today

Enoch 82:

4 Blessed are all the righteous, blessed are all those who walk In the way of righteousness and sin not as the sinners, in the reckoning of all their days in which the sun traverses the heaven, entering into and departing from the portals for thirty days with the heads of thousands of the order of the stars, together with the four which are intercalated which divide the four portions of the year, which 5 lead them and enter with them four days.

Owing to them men shall be at fault and not reckon them in the whole reckoning of the year: yea, men shall be at fault, and not recognize them 6 accurately. For they belong to the reckoning of the year and are truly recorded (thereon) for ever, one in the first portal and one in the third, and one in the fourth and one in the sixth, and the year is completed in three hundred and sixty-four days. 7 And the account thereof is accurate and the recorded reckoning thereof exact;

This statement might sound odd to you if you are first hearing about it, but a year back in Enoch days had 364 days.

Did you know…

364 / 7   = 52 Shabath Cycles?

The Last day is the Shabath and the year restarts. This was of course, back in Enoch’s days.

The Shabath Day comes from the perfect calculations that came from a year that had 364 days in it.

Where did the week come from?

The bible …

Genesis 2: 

1Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2And on the seventh day Almighty ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3And Almighty blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which Almighty created and made.


Why are there Seven Days in a Week?

7 divided perfectly into 364 days

What happened?

  • Two Miracles Happened
  • Joshua Ch. 10 and Isaiah 38:1-8

Again the earth used to experience 364 days in a year before the two miracles. These two events threw off the 364 day calendar year, however, the truth still exists. Almighty gave mankind rest every 7 days, which is called a Shabath. That’s why there are 52 weeks in a year.

A complete year is 364 days long and the Shabath is still every 7 days within this calculation.

Learn how to Calculate the Shabath here…

Calculating the Calendar According to Enoch

Enoch spoke of the “Equilux” not the Equinox

© Nadiradze

Enoch spoke of the “Equilux” not the Equinox

I spoke about how to calculate the calendar according to Enoch in this post… Listen to the podcast and read it here

I basically explained how to calculate the Enoch calendar with putting into consideration the 2 miracles that changed time. Enoch spoke of “the day that is equal to the night”. On that day, daylight hours is equal to night time hours.

During the days of Joshua ch. 10 & Hezekiah time changed, adding 1.2422 days to the calendar year on average. This is why I wrote my book. Some may be persistent to calculate the calendar by the literal day that is equal to the night. That would be following Enoch, but during Enoch days, time did not change. The reason I am talking about this calendar is because you can track the Shabath perfectly in Enoch’s calendar, with the added days added, you can not.

364 days divides evenly into 7. This means, the last day of the year during Enoch’s time was a Shabath and a year had 52 weeks (Shabath Cycles) every year. No one debated the 7th day Shabath or when it was at that time. In our days, that is a popular debate.

Look at the confusion of using the Equilux instead of the Equinox as a way to track the sun in our day. The Equilux occurs on different days from February 24 to March 28 during the Spring Equinox, as an example.

This information below came from Time and, but let me tell you, its VERY DECEPTIVE!

Approx. equilux dates

Latitude March September
60° North Mar 18 Sep 25
55° North Mar 17 Sep 25
50° North Mar 17 Sep 25
45° North Mar 17 Sep 25
40° North Mar 17 Sep 26
35° North Mar 16 Sep 26
30° North Mar 16 Sep 27
25° North Mar 15 Sep 27
20° North Mar 14 Sep 28
15° North Mar 12 Sep 30
10° North Mar 8 Oct 4
5° North Feb 24 Oct 17
Equator No equal day and night
5° South Apr 14 Aug 29
10° South Apr 1 Sep 10
15° South Mar 28 Sep 14
20° South Mar 26 Sep 16
25° South Mar 25 Sep 17
30° South Mar 24 Sep 18
35° South Mar 24 Sep 19
40° South Mar 23 Sep 19
45° South Mar 23 Sep 19
50° South Mar 23 Sep 20
55° South Mar 23 Sep 20
60° South Mar 22 Sep 20


If we don’t use the Equinox, when the sun resets to the center of the earth, then what will we use? 

I believe that during the Equinox, before the extra days were added by Yahuah, it was a time when the earth experienced the Equilux. Different rules apply. We can’t calculate time exactly as it was during Enoch’s days. It was perfect then. Read my book to learn more or listen to this 

Why did I say Time and Date was VERY DECEPTIVE?

Well none of the days contain March 20, the day of the Equinox. Isn’t this odd?

No! because they CONVENIENTLY left out all locations ABOVE 65 DEGRESS.

What happens in the far Northern Countries & Far South? Something amazing happens in both those places that will convince you WHERE the true Equinox happens.

Read my book

Solar Delusions & Illusions for your Entertainment compliments of NASA

no 24 hour sun in Antarctica

Solar Delusions & Illusions for your Entertainment compliments of NASA

They really want you to believe the earth is a globe or ball circling the sun. If you believe this too, I will also be disproving that hocus pocus of a globe earth theory, right here today.

The Spring Equinox is approaching and the lies begin. Hiding certain truths and earth phenomenon’s is very important during these days. The people who want you to disbelieve the bible’s claim and admission that the earth is a flat circle (see here) have created fallacies in there own declaration to hide this truth. Now in order for a false statement to be believable, there must be some truth in it. Thereby taken you away with their quick hand and mirrors.

Let’s jump right in this topic… Mind you this information is not factual, its what they put out to back up the theory that the earth is globe. When information is false, you can find holes in it. This information I am about to present is a huge pit.

They say the earth is a Globe. With that information, they use the journey of the sun around the earth to calculate that the sun’s journey is in-fact the earth’s journey around the earth and not the sun. If this were true, then explain to me how it would be possible, according to their data that the sun would be up for about 6 days in the North Pole and 6 days in the South Pole, twice a year at the same time?

I will repeat.

They say, for example on 2025, that the Sun does not set at the South Pole until March 23, 2025


The sun does not set until March 23, 2025, According to the globe theory



The sun rises March 18,2025 and stays up for months until September

So this information means the sun is up for about 6 days during March in the North & the South Pole continually with no setting! This is not possible on a flat earth or a globe.

This only proves that their calculations are totally false! They lie and this is the big whole.

Read my book for Cycle of the Sun to learn more. I have so much to say about this, but I wrote it all in this book because I don’t have time to make these videos though they are important. There are certain information that you must learn in order to get a full grasp on this top because the lies that float around out there are plenty.

What is true?

The sun is indeed up for many months in the North. You can visit any Northern country to experience months when the sun does not set. I want to experience this. They don’t talk about it much because this same phenomenon does not occur in the South Pole because we do not live on a Globe, we live on a flat earth.

A trip to the South Pole is dam near impossible. They don’t want you to go to the ICE WALLS for many reasons. You will see the firmament and the sun will not be continual like it is in the North Pole.

The SOUTH never experiences a continues daylight. They lie. In the South it is completely dark when the sun moves toward the North during the Spring Equinoix and then its completely dark for months until the sun leaves the North. At that time the South will experience the sun rising and setting, but it will not experience what the North Pole experiences because we are not on a Globe.

Use their own information and declaration to disprove them.

If you have any questions or comments. Reach me on

The 1st Day of Summer, Begins the 4th Month! – Reporting for 2024

The 1st Day of Summer, Begins the 4th Month! - Reporting for 2024

Today, June 21, 2024 is the 1st day of summer.

On the 1st day of summer, the sun begins to make its journey toward the center of the earth. This will cause daylight to begin to decrease. This begins on the 1st day of the 4th month or KahDaSh, according to the book of Enoch.

See my book “Cycle of the Sun” to get the breakdowns and new information concerning our modern calendar and the Shabath and feast days. The calculations for the year has to do with 52 Shabath Cycles.

It’s all about math and growing food.

  • 52 Cycles in a year
  • 5 + 2 = 7
  • 52  x  7 = 364 days in a year, before the miracles in the days of Enoch
  • The Shabath is easily found in a calendar with 364 days.
  • plus extra 1.25 miracle days = 365.25 average days in our current year
  • The Shabath day is hard to find without knowledge of the season.

52 Shabath cycles in a year, makes the year complete. However, there are extra days in the year because of the miracles that the bible reports. This has caused Enoch’s calculations to be slightly off, but the year still has 52 perfect Shabath Cycles. We need to take into consideration the 4 key seasons of the year and watch for the signs of the year. Read my book for very relevant information.

Happy Summer. I hope everyone is growing some food and practicing at the very least to have a green thumb!


The Total Eclipse on April 8th 2024

april 8 2024 total eclipse usa

What does the total eclipse mean on April 8th?

There is a major hype going on about the total eclipse that will occur on April 8th. Its going to be a sight to see. Get your safety glasses and be an awe at the wonders that Yahuah has made.

What does it mean?

In my book “Cycle of the Sun”, I spoke concerning the signals of the sun and moon. The meaning of the total eclipse has to do with keeping time. I will advise you to reference my book because no one is saying what I am saying about the total eclipse. What does it mean? Well, it is a signal of the resetting of the sun and the moon, but it is off course and you must read my book to understand what it’s course should look like and I even prove it. There is another Total Eclipse you should be watching for that actually helps us keep track of time, even though the lumanaries are off course. See page 208 and look to March 2034 for the next total eclipse.

You may calm down if you are anxious about this total eclipse once you realize it is not all that rare. reports that it occurs somewhere on this earth about every 18 months!

You can track the next Total Solar Eclipse here to see for yourself.

The meaning of April 8th Eclipse

april 8 2024 total eclipse usa

I have been concerned about the April 8th eclipse because the last path of the total eclipse occurred on August 21, 2017, and it crossed the USA from one corner to the other. Now, the April 8th eclipse seems to cross the opposite corners. These two eclipses combined make an X across the USA.

My concern is that this could have a negative impact on us. X marks the spot, after all. This eclipse could be used by those in power to execute something upon the masses or could be Yahuah communicating with his people. Either way, I am not afraid because I stand with Yahuah, and he will protect his chosen ones. We should open our eyes to behold the wonders but not fear them since Yahuah is in control.
I don’t think we should see these total eclipses randomly. Instead, we should ask for the reasoning behind them and track our time on earth using the sun. It is vital that you read my book since I explained everything in order. It was a tremendous project for me, and I took my time to clarify everything and demonstrate examples. It was a great heartache, and I don’t want to revisit those days again, but I am glad it is written. Please read my book if you want more information about solar and moon signs.

august 21 2017 total eclipse





Witnesses of the Last Day of the Year – March 20



Chichen, Mexico

In Chichen, Mexico, people all over the world flock two times a year to witness the Spring and Spring equinox. There is a shadow of a snake’s body that appears only 2 times a year. This is the sign of the last day of winter, but it is often associated with the first day of Spring.

The last day of winter, tells us the next day will be spring. Read the book Cycle of the Sun to understand this.

Tuesday, March 19 at Sundown, began the last day of the year until March 20 at sundown.

The first day of the new year begins Wednesday, March 20th at Sundown until March 21st at Sundown, because on this day, the day begins to be longer than the night.

The daytime of March 21st will be longer than the night, because pm March 20th the day was equal to the night.

Equinoccio de primavera 2024: ¿cuándo es, a qué hora inicia, y cuánto tiempo dura?

The East Sets the Day

The Spring Equinox began in New Zealand, which is in the East, on March 20th. On this same exact time, it was March 19th at 11pm EST in the USA.

The year is counted as the next day because the equionox happened past sundown. This is why the last day of the year was not on March 19th, neither is the Spring Equinox counted on March 19th, but March 20th. Again that is the last day of the year, not the first according to the book of Enoch. The world calls it the 1st day of Spring, but not Yahuah!

Please read the book Cycle of the Sun to get more information.

The Shabath for 2024 to 2025

This year 2024 to 2025 the Shabath will begin Tuesday at Sundown to Wednesday at Sundown!

Passover 2024

April 3rd, 2024 at Sundown is the Passover!


The Day that is Equal to the Night

Today is the day that is equal to the night

It is called “the Equiniox” but in the book of Enoch, it was called “the Day that is Equal to the Night’

All around the earth today is that day. They say today is the 1st day of Fall, but Enoch said the day that begins to be shorter than the night is the next month. This is fall. Nothing is fall on the day that is equal so I agree with Enoch. If it is equal, where is the change? Makes sense to me that tomorrow marks the 7th month and the blowing of Trumpets!

First Day of the Year-2023


Today is the 1st Day of KahDaSh of Abeyb and Spring

The Signs were evident yesterday. The Days are growing longer than the night. Watch the Sunrise and Set in your area to confirm this. Every day until the last day of Spring the Days will be longer than night. These are the days of increase and new growth. The climates in the North will increase the heat as the sun approaches North toward the Northern Tropics.

See … my witness for it and learn more in the book Cycle of the Sun

Equinox – 3/20/23

Watching the Sunrise

Chasing the Sunset

3/20/23 21:24 UTC Time – the Square Area is the Night Shadow

Read the book Cycle of the Sun to find out why it is important to watch the sunrise and sunset during this time.

The EAST did NOT EXPERIENCE a day that was Equal to the Night until 3/21/2023. This means, 3/21/2023 is the official last day of the year. Time begins in the east because of the sunrises in the east.

3/21/2023 marks the last day of the year, not the first. This makes 2022-2023 year a leap year with 366 days. This is not according to the Gregorian calendar, but according to the Cycle of the Sun. Read my book for the evidence and further explanation. I myself live in Louisville, KY and I could not confirm a 12 hour day event though I drove far out. Look at the videos above. It’s a minute shy of 12 hours.

If you are on this page, you are trying to understand how to calculate the Shabath. First thing first, get the day of the New Year for the Earth right. On that day, the day grows longer than the night, it can’t happen until the East experiences a day that is Equal to the Night, then the next day is the 1st Day of the year.


I witnessed the sunrise @7:51am


I witnessed the sunset @7:50pm

I drove the furthest distance I could see both the sunset & sunrise in the above playlist of videos

Categories: Major Sky Events