Different Types of Solar Eclipses
Different Types of Solar Eclipses
Annual and Total Eclipses are similar, however, the moon, devoid of light, covers the sun completely during a Total Eclipse. During an Annual Eclipse, the moon is further away but it enters the same gate
Solar Eclipses can only happen during a new moon. This is when the moon is completely dark. Just as night begins the day, so does the dark phase of the moon begin the first phase of the moon. It is the same thing. Read the book “The Cycle of the Sun” to understand why the Crescent moon is not the biblical new moon. The issue comes from the word “Kahdash” and following of Jewish Converts.
The image below is what the earth looked like on a rectangular projection map of the earth, on 11/3/2013. This is what the sun and moon look like during a solar eclipse and you see, only those areas where the sun is seen can this event be seen.
Visit https://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEdecade/SEdecade2021.html to get an updated list of future and past solar eclipse
https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/in/@0,0 – visit here to see an image of the earth during an eclipse
Also try this https://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/moon/light.html?month=9&day=28&year=2015&hour=2&min=50&sec=0&n=&ntxt=&earth=0
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