Equinox – 3/20/23
Watching the Sunrise
Chasing the Sunset
3/20/23 21:24 UTC Time – the Square Area is the Night Shadow
Read the book Cycle of the Sun to find out why it is important to watch the sunrise and sunset during this time.
The EAST did NOT EXPERIENCE a day that was Equal to the Night until 3/21/2023. This means, 3/21/2023 is the official last day of the year. Time begins in the east because of the sunrises in the east.
3/21/2023 marks the last day of the year, not the first. This makes 2022-2023 year a leap year with 366 days. This is not according to the Gregorian calendar, but according to the Cycle of the Sun. Read my book for the evidence and further explanation. I myself live in Louisville, KY and I could not confirm a 12 hour day event though I drove far out. Look at the videos above. It’s a minute shy of 12 hours.
If you are on this page, you are trying to understand how to calculate the Shabath. First thing first, get the day of the New Year for the Earth right. On that day, the day grows longer than the night, it can’t happen until the East experiences a day that is Equal to the Night, then the next day is the 1st Day of the year.
I witnessed the sunrise @7:51am
I witnessed the sunset @7:50pm
I drove the furthest distance I could see both the sunset & sunrise in the above playlist of videos